TODAY’S THE DAY…That Bridgwater Could Finally Go LABOUR!

The sun is out. And that’s always a good sign for Labour. The Tories are shit. And that’s another indicator. At the end of a morning’s shifts around the various polling stations from Bridgwater to Woolavington to Highbridge to Burnham turnout is high and Labour thumbs-ups are everywhere. For the first time in the history of Bridgwater we could have a Labour Member of Parliament by the end of the day. Well, by 4.0.clock tommorrow morning. The Labour man is a red  man by name and nature. Leigh Redman was on his Sydenham Polling station first thing and getting positive responses. Polling stations are open until 10pm tonight and every vote counts. Leigh thinks it will be close but the reward will be massive if Bridgwater gets called for Labour in the early hours.

Good Labour turnout in Highbridge

There are no Tories or LibDems  on any of the polling stations…so far…Well, the Tories conceded defeat last night in a ‘must do better next time’ speech and if anyone still believes anything the Lib Dems say then more fool them. So far they’ve gone from putting ‘winning here’ posts everywhere, the best one was on it;s own in a pond. Someone may have thrown it there. Or their latest ruse of having Clare stood next to a street sign saying ‘Sully Close’ which is meant to suggest she could win. But there really has been no libdem surge as theyre trying to tell people. A Lib Dem vote will just help the Tories. And the ‘Sully’ in question was a Bridgwater capitalist who colluded with the Tories to repress the workers. So good choice….

A Labour Government

Voters swinging back to Labour in Bridgwater Victoria

The country will get a Labour government by this time tommorrow  and it needs a big Labour majority to get the changes needed through. Workers are turning out in large numbers to put their crosses back in a box that some haven’t ticked for a long time. There is a threat from ReformUK, because people are angry and they offer simple solutions. But when people actually look into what they’re offering they realise that yet again they’re being fooled. And the whole point of this election is not to get fooled again.

The Tories track record is abysmal and they will deserve to be thrown out of office. Read their end of terms report here.

The Lib Dems are the Tory B team and people know that all they’ve done with all the promises they’ve made is put the Tories back in office at no advantage to themselves. They won’t live that down. Hopefully, ever.

Most of the papers are calling it for Labour

Vote Leigh Redman

Bridgwater Town Hall, which is already home to a Labour council, ‘looking good’

The parties on the fringes will suffer from the poor voting system we have here. Roll on PR. Until then the Greens, the Galloway Workers Party, and any Independents that stand here will be squeezed, no matter how good the candidates are. You only have one vote. It’s your voice and your weapon, and your passport to getting the Tories out.  That means in Bridgwater, as in other Labour leaning areas, that’s the way to vote.

Vote Labour today. For all our sakes.


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