Bridgwater Town Council was re-established in 2003 and is Labour controlled.

Town Council Leader is Cllr Brian Smedley He says “Until 1974 Bridgwater had a historic ,always radical and mainly socialist Borough Council, but this was destroyed in the local government reforms of that year which saw it subsumed by Sedgemoor District Council – better known as ‘direct rule from Cheddar’. From 1974 until 2003 Bridgwater existed solely as a group of ‘Charter Trustees’ which comprised of the Bridgwater Councillors who were elected to represent Sedgemoor simply sitting as an advisory board for the town. This was a totally powerless body and designed to keep Bridgwater subservient to Sedgemoor. Full powers were regained in 2003 (although Tory councillors voted against this) and the town has been Labour controlled ever since. In 2023 Sedgemoor District Council was abolished and a new Unitary system set up across Somerset. Bridgwater now had the opportunity to realign as the key local player taking back services and increasing local control. This we did in 2024 and now are pretty much in control of our own destiny”
The Mayor of Bridgwater is elected every year from amongst the 16 town councillors. The current Mayor is Jacqui Solomon (2024-2025)

The role of Mayor is a purely ‘civic and ceremonial ‘ one and includes the role of chairing Council meetings.
The list of Mayors is here.
Bridgwater Town Council Structures for 2024-25
The Leader of the Town Council is Brian Smedley and the Deputy Leader is Kath Pearce.
Bridgwater Town Council has restructured for 2024-25 and with a larger workforce is now divided into 3 corporate directorships
Finance is Mick Lerry supported by Jacqui Solomon & Liz Leavy.
Amenities is Tim Mander, supported by Kathy Pearce & Dave Loveridge
Community is Brian Smedley supported by Liz Marsh & Irena Hubble.
Forum System
Bridgwater Town Council operates on a Forum system which involves members of the public in it’s decision making with named councillors taking the lead. This includes
Click here for Leader’s report on council structure
Click here for Town Council web site
Full list of town councillors
Your town councillors are grouped by wards (see map), Click on the link to find how to contact them
Brian Smedley (Labour) Kath Pearce (Labour) Tim Mander (Labour)
Liz Leavy (Labour) Leigh Redman (Labour)
Tony Heywood (Labour) Jacqui Solomon (Labour)
Mick Lerry (Labour) Liz Marsh (Labour)
Fairfax West
Irena Hubble (Labour)
Fairfax East
Richard Morgan (Independent)
Diogo Rodrigues (Con)
Dunwear North
Dave Loveridge (Labour)
Dunwear South
Sulia Aujla (Con)
Rachel Lilley (Con) Gill Slocombe (Con)

Bridgwater Town Council – Dunwear North ward – 17.39% | 1 | LOVERIDGE, Dave (Lab) RODRIGUES, Diogo Jose (Con) | 194 elected 131 |
Bridgwater Town Council – Duwear South ward – 33.1% turnout | 1 | AUJLA, Suria (Con) BAKER, Sarah (Lib Dem) FALKINGHAM, Jon (Lab) | 275 elected 80 158 |
Bridgwater Town Council – Eastover ward – 19.65 % | 2 | GUSMAO, Januario (Con) HEYWOOD, Tony (Lab) NICKOLLS, Antony (Lib Dem) SOLOMON, Jacqui (Lab) | 231 336 elected 204 283 elected |
Bridgwater Town Council – Fairfax East ward – 20.95% | 2 | BARNES, Pelè James (Con) DINGWALL, Andrew (Con) GLASSFORD, Alex (Lab) KING, Lorna (Lib Dem) MORGAN, Richard (Lab) | 267 274 305 elected 167 277 elected |
Bridgwater Town Council – Fairfax West ward – 16.05% turnout | 1 | HUBBLE, Irena (Lab) NICKOLLS, Adrian (Lib Dem) ROGERS, Christine (Con) | 103 elected 66 91 |
Bridgwater Town Council – Hamp ward – 17.93 % turnout | 2 | FERMOR, Matthew (Con) GALEITZKE, Klaus Detlef (Con) LEAVY, Liz (Lab and Co-Op) REDMAN, Leigh (Lab) | 218 176 346 elected 392 elected |
Bridgwater Town Council – Victoria ward – 18.33% turnout | 2 | DUDDRIDGE, Lance (Con) HAYSHAM, Taz (Lib Dem) LERRY, Mick (Lab) MARSH, Liz (Lab) STEVENSON, John (Con) | 214 109 246 elected 261 elected 156 |
Bridgwater Town Council – Westover ward 21.58 % turnout | 3 | BOLT, Brian James (Con) MANDER, Tim (Lab) PEARCE, Kathy (Lab) SMEDLEY, Brian David (Lab) | 308 508 elected 562 elected 536 elected |
Bridgwater Town Council – Wyndham ward 33.85% turnout | 2 | BOUCHER, Meg (Lab) Di CAMPO, Elaine (Lab) LILLEY, Rachael Helen (Con) SLOCOMBE, Gill (Con) WAGHORN, Dean (Lib Dem) WAY, Nathan Philip (Lib Dem | 347 303 567 elected 699 elected 215 172 |