Labour’s candidate for Taunton, Neil Guild, said “There is a real choice to be made in this coming general election. A Labour government would work for the whole UK by protecting the NHS, setting a higher minimum wage, giving more power to local people, investing in sustainable energy and transport, and building a fairer economy that works for the majority and not just for the few at the top. The Labour Party understands that in order to have a fair, successful and sustainable economy for the future then we need to address the causes of the problems of the past. Rather than simplistic Tory rhetoric blaming the last Labour government for all the ills of the world, we need considered policy responses that address the true causes of instability in the UK economy. This is what Labour is offering through a broad based economic recovery that puts the living standards of working people at its heart. History has shown that Britain does best when all boats rise together not just the super yachts. Ed Miliband understands this; that not only is a fairer, more equal society a good thing on its own terms but that it offers the stability needed for long term sustained growth.”