Is Yeovil now paying the price for one-dimensional voting in last year’s General election? Asks Yeovil Labour Party Chairman Terry Ledlie.
Let’s be honest, the last election was focused upon a primary issue being Brexit. In standing as the Labour party candidate for the Yeovil Constituency, I am not writing this letter to scorn on people who chose to vote Conservative or Lib Dem at the time. It was clear it was a Brexit election but also clear, that not only in Yeovil Constituency but all around the country, people were voting to get Brexit done and with no surprise, Marcus Fysh would be re-elected. Re-elected with a whopping majority and the gap between Labour in third place and the Liberals in second, seems to be an easier contest than the Liberals ever reclaiming this safe Tory seat.
Shame on Fysh
12 months on and with Brexit nearly done with or without a deal (we still don’t know?) we must now focus our attention on other issues that affect people in Yeovil Constituency. Before I give my rationale asking the people of Yeovil, do they regret re-electing Marcus Fysh last December? I will pose a reminder of some behaviours from our MP that we have all seen in recent weeks.
Let’s be clear, I am no fan of the Conservative party, however, I have always found Marcus Fysh quite pleasant but in his recent behaviour of accusing hard-working teachers and headmasters of being left-wing activists is unacceptable. I would hope that he would issue an apology to the hard-working teachers who chose to speak up for the most vulnerable children in Yeovil, Shame on you.
I hope I am wrong but it would seem that our MP is taking his constituents for granted, just like David Laws did when he used the MP’s expenses scandal to his advantage, professing a clean bill of health, then when he was caught out he lost his seat to Marcus Fysh.
Come Back Down To Earth
However, with four more years until the next General election, I ask Yeovil MP to come back down to earth and put his constituents first. I will remind him of what I said at the General Election Count last December. “What I will say is, Marcus, once you get your Brexit done, we need to make sure Yeovil is a better place to live.”
It would seem that our local MP has forgotten or chosen to ignore my advice. The people of Yeovil are to suffer from an out of touch MP.
Terry Ledlie
Chairman Yeovil Labour Party