Leigh Redman says:- When you vote on Thursday 2nd May don’t get caught up in the spin. A Labour vote is the only way to get your voice heard.
‘Firstly let me thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my first leaflet, I have had a tremendous amount of feedback from members of the community that have realised the time is right for a local voice that will represent them on Somerset County Council, I will continue to listen.’
‘Enough is enough, you have an opportunity to ensure your voice is heard, our community is important and is overlooked to often!’
‘We have a great area with local people working to make it better for you, Browne’s pond, Hamp Community association, pedestrianisation of West Quay, our town center development these are all examples of the way local people are working for the good of our area, I will continue to support & fight for initiatives that will help you.’
Why vote Leigh Redman on 2nd May?

“You have a straight choice in Bridgwater South, we’ve all seen how Somerset Tories push things through without listening to the views of local residents – the Splash standing out as a particularly recent example. ‘Cuts in services’, ‘reduced bus routes’, ‘bedroom tax’, ‘reduced community support’, ‘closed care homes’, ‘youth service closures’ cuts that are genuinely effecting you & your families.
The Tories & Lib Dems are irresponsibly damaging some of our most vital services, in Somerset, Labour is the only viable alternative.
Leigh has commented that ‘for many people, access to valued resources is difficult or impossible without positive action by councils. For example, good bus services are important to everyone. Not just because they are better for the environment and reduce congestion. They especially benefit our young people, older people, women, and people with mobility problems and other disabilities. So putting our values into practice means that Leigh Redman will make bus services a priority for improvement.’