Cameron’s missing millions: flood victims suffer as government fails to pay out on PM’s promises

cllr Mick Lerry
” Tory-led government has failed to pay out millions in funds promised to flood victims and businesses. ” Cllr Mick Lerry

Labour’s candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset is accusing David Cameron of breaking promises made to victims of the floods a year ago. Millions of pounds pledged to help people rebuild their lives and businesses has not been paid.

Mick said: “This week marks a year since David Cameron told flood stricken communities that ‘money is no object’ in the relief effort. New figures revealed by Labour show that the Tory-led government has failed to pay out millions in funds promised to flood victims and businesses.

Cameron promised households and businesses with flood-damaged property that they would be eligible for up to £5,000 in grants for repairs. The 2013/14 winter floods directly affected over 13,000 households and businesses but a year later the government has only paid out 1,680 grants for repair work.
A year on from Cameron’s pledge the government has only paid out:
• Less than one third of the £10m farming recovery fund, to farmers affected by flooding.
• just over half of the £6m of council tax rebates for flood-damaged properties.
• less than a quarter of the £5m sport relief fund for damaged sporting facilities
Farmers who lease their land have not found it easy to access compensation, due to the fact that they do not own the land”

Cameron has broken his promise

Maria Eagle MP "  The next Labour Government will make flood protection a top priority, "
Maria Eagle MP ” The next Labour Government will make flood protection a top priority, “

Maria Eagle MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs said:
“Support has failed to reach many thousands still recovering from the damage caused by the winter floods. The Prime Minister has clearly gone from ‘money is no object’ to ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

“David Cameron has also broken his promise to lead the ‘greenest Government ever’. It is clear flood protection is going backwards under this Tory-led Government because they’ve ignored the evidence on climate change. Cameron has abandoned the last Labour government’s robust plans for reducing flood risk, slashed the budgets, crossed his fingers and hoped for the best. We know that Tory climate failure will put an extra 80,000 properties at risk from flooding in the next Parliament.

“The next Labour Government will make flood protection a top priority, introducing a new climate change adaptation programme and establishing an independent National Infrastructure Commission as part of our plan to protect homes and businesses from extreme weather caused by climate change.”

Mick Lerry
07775 9050870

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