“The next Labour Government will prioritise renewable gas as a cost-effective, locally-sourced, low-carbon source of heating”, says Cllr Mick Lerry.
Caroline Flint MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change has announced:
“Drawing on analysis from National Grid which shows that up to 50% of domestic gas needs could be met from green gas, Labour would commission the Committee on Climate Change with National Grid to report by the end of 2015 with advice and recommendations for the policy and regulatory reforms needed, to maximise the potential for the development of green gas, following the next election”.
Caroline Flint MP has described green gas as the “big overlooked area” in energy policy, saying:
“The big overlooked area is the potential for greening the gas network, which could improve our energy security, help us cut our carbon emissions and provide a solution to waste management as our landfill capacity declines. And it could do all of this using the existing infrastructure – the gas grid – which has already largely been paid for by consumers. It doesn’t require new heating systems in people’s homes or new network infrastructure.”
Cllr Mick Lerry said: “Experience from around the world showed that green gas was an innovative solution to the challenges of affordability, energy security and carbon reduction”.

“There are no technical or safety barriers to delivering green gas, which cannot be overcome. There is this idea that green gas is somehow different or inferior to conventional gas. This is, of course, a total myth – the gas needs to be upgraded to meet UK gas pipeline specifications, but all gas entering the distribution system is compatible with natural gas or else it is not allowed to enter the system. Indeed, we know it is viable, because it is already deployed in other countries. Countries like Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and the United States already have green gas being injected into the grid, providing a locally sourced and low-carbon source of heating”, says Cllr Mick Lerry.
Caroline Flint MP has also explained that the next Labour Government would prioritise the development of workable policies to maximise the potential of green gas within months of the next election, drawing on the expertise of the Committee on Climate Change and National Grid:
“I can announce today that if we are elected next year, we will ask the Committee on Climate Change, with National Grid, to report by the end of 2015 with advice and recommendations for the policy and regulatory reforms needed to maximise the potential for the development of green gas”.
May 15th 2014
Cllr Mick Lerry, leader of the labour Group on Sedgemoor District Council
Labour Parliamentary Candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset.
Mobile: 07775905080
Email: michael.lerry@btinternet.com