Hinkley Point power plant approval victory for Somerset

Clare Moody, Labour MEP for South West England, celebrates jobs to be created by new nuclear.

Southwest Region MEP Clare Moody today welcomed the decision taken by the European Commission to green light the Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Plant project, under a deal that will bring Somerset and the wider Southwest 25,000 job opportunities.

The 25,000 job opportunities will be created over the next decade of the build, and 900 jobs over the 60 year life of the new stations. Over £2bn will be invested into the local economy over the life time of the project.

South West Labour MEP celebrates new jobs coming to Somerset

Clare Moody MEP said, “Hinkley Point will provide the high-quality, long-term jobs and sustainable growth for local communities that are a priority for me as a Member of the European Parliament for the Southwest Region.

“As a long term investment plan that brings new, high quality skills to the labour market in Somerset and the UK, Hinkley will benefit the local economy and ensure careers in growing industries. It is exactly the sort of sustainable investment I am fighting for as a Southwest MEP.”

The UK has 16 reactors generating about 18% of its electricity and all but one of these will be retired by 2023, at time when rising energy prices and declining North Sea Oil is forecast. When fully operational, Hinkley Point should be capable of producing 7% of the UK’s electricity – enough for 5 million UK homes.

Sedgemoor Labour leader Mick Lerry urges “continued campaign for community benefit during construction phase.”

On the low carbon economy, Clare Moody commented, “Hinkley Point is crucial in ensuring a new phase of nuclear reactors is rolled out across the UK.

“Nuclear is low carbon, and easy to produce. It will ensure we keep Britain’s lights switched on and our greenhouse gas emissions low.

“Continued research into regulation of nuclear power ensures that it is safe, secure, and it should be a vital part of our energy mix.

“In these difficult times it also ensures there is diversity of energy supply for the UK.”

Continue the campaign for community benefit

Bridgwater and West Somerset PPC and leader of the Labour group on Sedgemoor District Council, Cllr Mick Lerry said:”Having Clare as a Labour MEP has helped to make sure that Bridgwater and West Somerset Constituency can secure the necessary support in the European Commission to make sure that the Hinkley C can go ahead, and she will continue to campaign for community benefit during the construction stage of the power station”.






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Andy Merryfield
10 years ago

a talk by Naomi Klein last night on her new book This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs The Climate – she was on top form. Here’s the video of the event (8:40 in) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ew1BUgRTJg#t=8m40

Andy Merryfield
10 years ago

We, Labour and the rest certainly need to get our act together as a country to develop a cross party consensus on a sustainable way to power our lives. We have not achieved that yet and need one more ‘generation’ of nuclear plants as we continue develop our technology, which in itself will create employment and trade.

Nick Holt
Nick Holt
10 years ago

Very cleaver reply, now tell me where you are going to store the waste, and give me a cast iron guarantee that there can never be any problems like Chernobyl, 3 mile island, Fukushima.
This planet is being polluted by these plants already, I can’t celebrate a foreign company making money by creating more pollution in my back yard.

Nick Holt
Nick Holt
10 years ago

While being a Labour member and supporter, I would seriously have to think about voting for our MEP in the future as I am totally against nuclear power as it is probably the most pollutive of all energy sources. The emissions from these plants pollute our planet for millions of years. It’s about time we followed the Germans lead. They now get 50% of their energy requirements from sustainable sources. Jobs at the expense of the environment, and once again money and jobs win.
I am most disappointed in this article.

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