On Patrol Against The Cull

Somerset Badger Patrol
Somerset Badger Patrol

As the pilot badger culls move towards their scheduled end, opposition has grown. Environment Secretary Owen Paterson has taken over from George Osborne as Britain’s most hated man. And activists are certain the pilot has failed.

West Somerset is one of the centres of the storm. Night after night, the “shooters” have been out. And night after night, people who believe the killing of badgers is wrong have been out walking the footpaths to monitor and disrupt the killing.

Labour against the Cull

Labour's Andy Lewis out tonight on badger patrol
Labour’s Andy Lewis out tonight on badger patrol

Labour has a clear position against the cull – a position that is recognised and welcomed by the activists trying to save the badgers. Andy Lewis, of West Somerset Labour Party, went out on badger patrol and gave us this report:

“I arrive at the rendezvous at Williton car park to find the police there. Two officers in a hired Land Rover sit and wait. After a few anti-cull activists arrive, one of the policemen strolls over to chat. He is from Bristol – one of many from outside Somerset drafted in to monitor the cull and the opposition to it.

“Relations with the police are evidently cordial. Not so, I am told, relations with the shooters and with supporters of the cull. As the patrollers gather, stories are exchanged of tense night-time confrontations.

 Strictly within the Law

“As a new patroller, I am assigned to a group led by a veteran of the campaign, Michelle Gunn. We will be going up into the Brendon Hills. The policy of the patrols is to stay strictly within the law. So before we set off, Michelle meticulously plans a route on a large scale map, taking us along public footpaths, tracks and roads.

“As we drive up into the hills, mist and a soft drizzle set in. Not a good night for shooting, but the patrol will go ahead regardless. This is not a clandestine operation; as we walk along a footpath through an open field, we shine our torches and chat. While we do that, shooting at this particular place become difficult or impossible

Nicky Bushnell "Members of our patrol have come from far and wide"
Nicky Bushnell “Members of our patrol have come from far and wide”

“The members of our patrol have come from far and wide. I talk to Nicky Bushnell, from west London, who is on her second visit to West Somerset. She says she felt so incensed by the killing she felt she just had to do what she could to stop it. And she questions the politics behind the cull. Like many, she is shocked that the Liberal Democrats have supported the Tories in this inhumane and unscientific policy.

 Wall of Silence from DEFRA

“Michelle gives me her assessment of the cull so far. It would have been impossible, she thinks for the shooters to have met their gruesome target. The number of planned shootings equates to about 60 a night in West Somerset, a number she believes – and hopes – cannot have been met. A feature of the cull has been the wall of silence erected by DEFRA. In the absence of hard information, rumours swirl around. But to me, the activists’ analysis that the killing has failed on its own terms seems likely to be true.

Badger Patrol
Badger Patrol

The badger cull is due to continue until next Monday (October 6th) though there are rumours it could be extended. Somerset Badger Group is continuing its patrols. Members meet nightly at Williton car park between 7.30 and 8.00. If you would like to join them on patrol, go along with boots, a torch and a high visibility jacket.


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10 years ago

Thank you for standing up and doing the right thing. It’s all too easy for these people to hand out the death warrants then sit back in their comfy offices.

You’re doing a great job!

Patricia Walker
Patricia Walker
10 years ago

I will never ever vote Tory in my life. Disgusted and appalled at callous disregard for British wildlife. May they hang their heads in shame for such brutality

10 years ago

IF Labour can give their word, that this dreadful cull will stop immediately, if they get back into power. Then they will get my vote and many others who are disgusted with the Tories. There are well over 304,000 people against this cull, 304,000 people with very long memories. The Tories have culled themselves, but as yet are not aware of that fact. The voters now are going to choose a Government against culling.

roxy morris
roxy morris
10 years ago

I am not a political follower, but I would like to thank you for taking the time and trouble to go out with badger patrol, I live in Somerset and am out every night it is truly heart warming having the support of so many people, At 73 years young I can say that age is no barrier , everyone can be found something worth while to do. Please Please come and give whatever support you can, the badgers need you more than ever, as the cull is coming to its legal end it is quite certain the killing will go on . Once again thank you for your concern.

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