Key Council roles

Leader of Council Brian Smedley
Deputy Leader

Kath Pearce

Mayor 2024-25

Jacqui Solomon

Deputy Mayor 2024-25

Kath Pearce

Lead member Amenities

Tim Mander

Lead member Finance

Mick Lerry

Lead member Communities Brian Smedley
Amenities Triad Mander, Pearce, Loveridge
Finance Triad Lerry, Solomon, Leavy
Communities Triad Smedley, Hubble, Marsh
Flexecutive Smedley, Pearce + 1 relevant ctte/sub ctte chair
Civic Triad Solomon, Pearce, Lerry
Finance Committee

Lerry (Chair) Solomon (vice chair) Leavy,

Pearce, Smedley, Mander Slocombe, Rodrigues

Communities Committee

Smedley (Chair) Hubble (vice chair) Marsh,

Leavy, Heywood, Lerry, Aujla, Rodrigues

Amenities Committee Mander (Chair) Pearce (vice chair) Loveridge, Redman, Solomon, Morgan, Lilley, Slocombe
Planning committee Lerry (Chair) Mander (vice chair) Loveridge, Heywood, Marsh, Leavy, Solomon, Hubble, Morgan, Lilley
Human resources Lerry (Chair) Marsh (Vice chair) Mander, Smedley, Pearce
Hearings Panel Leavy (Chair) Loveridge (Vice Chair) Rodrigues
Appeals Panel Solomon (Chair) Heywood (Vice Chair) Slocombe
Steering groups  
Art Centre

Mander (vice chair) Hubble, Leavy, Smedley

Edney, Amory, Mason, Round+ 4 x ‘Friends’ (1 as Chair)

Museum Leavy (Chair) Hubble (Vice chair) Mander, Loveridge, Lilley
Working Party  
Docks Mander (Chair) Lerry (Vice chair) Heywood, Pearce
Forums Lead member in bold
Transport Loveridge, Mander, Lerry
Climate Pearce, Solomon, Leavy
HPC/Gravity Redman, Lerry, Smedley
Docks Mander, Lerry, Pearce
Tourism Smedley, Mander, Lerry
BCP Hubble, Heywood, Leavy
Twinning Smedley, Mander, Leavy
Youth Solomon, Marsh, Hubble
Events Heywood, Leavy, Marsh
History Smedley, Leavy, Hubble
Police & Public Safety Mander, Solomon, Lerry
Town Development Smedley, Mander, Lerry
PARTNER GROUPS ‘all’ partner groups are entitled to send a delegate

Civic Society     * Trades Council        *    Senior Citizens                      BACC * HCA * Inland Waterways * Bridgwater Together

Bridgwater College * Sydenham Improvement Group

Outside Bodies  
Memorial Homes Solomon
Wyndham Trust Lerry
Brent Marshall Loveridge
Towell Lerry
Blake Gilbert Leavy
Parret Drainage Leavy
Hinkley SSG Redman
Tidal Barrier Stakeholder Lerry
Tidal Barrier Enhancement Pearce
Wembdon Rd Cemetery Slocombe, Lilley
Carnival Leavy
SEED Hubble, Lerry, Heywood
HCA Redman, Leavy
Sydenham CC Hubble, Redman
Victoria Park CC Marsh, Lerry
One team Solomon
LCN Mander
Town Team Lerry


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