A Black Lives Matter solidarity demonstration was held on the Brewery Fields in Bridgwater on Saturday 13th June, with a number of organisations and a wide range of ages attending. Social distancing was successfully maintained. A similar demonstration was held in Bridgewater, Massachusetts at the same time. The message was the same.
The murder of George Floyd by an American policeman has caused an international outcry and international determination to root out racism. Britain is not innocent. Racism is a poison in the veins of our own society and we must join together to oppose it wherever it rears its ugly head. Racism can, and will be eliminated! We demand equality of treatment for all citizens, immediate and thorough investigation of hate crimes and an end, once and for all, of institutional racism.

In Bridgwater, we can be proud there are no statues of slave traders to topple; proud that Bridgwater was the first town, in 1785, to petition Parliament for the abolition of the Slave Trade.
We also celebrate the watery end of Bristol Slave-trader Edward Colston. Can this be the beginning of the end of ‘white-washing’ of our history?
In the UK today, it is not enough to be told that BAME people have suffered disproportionately from the Covid-19 pandemic, due, perhaps, to higher levels of poverty, and inadequate housing. We need a government with the will to address these social ills.

Racism is built into the system. We must all learn to recognise our own responsibilities in this and take action. It is not enough to be non-racist, we must be actively anti-racist
Bridgwater Together was established to celebrate and unite the different cultures now represented in Bridgwater, to overcome prejudice and negative stereotyping.
The following organisations were some of those who supported the Black Lives Matter solidarity demonstration in Bridgwater on Saturday 13th.
Contact: Andrew 07772304633
Black Lives Matter – Bridgwater (UK) to Bridgewater (USA)