Labour’s stunning victories in the Kingswood and Wellingborough by-elections show that Labour could also win here in Bridgwater. This is the view of the Bridgwater Labour Party as they edge closer to selecting their candidate for this years general Election. Brian Smedley, Labour Leader of Bridgwater Town Council, says “In Wellingborough we over turned an 18,000 majority in a Tory seat and in Kingswood 11,000. Nowhere is safe. The Tories are counting their days until checkout time and everyone and their hamster are voting Labour. This is how to get rid of this hopeless shower that have wrecked the economy, destroyed the National Health Service and virtually done away with local Government. The new Bridgwater constituency is eminently winnable for Labour and with these swings we can clearly do it. We have candidates in place and we are awaiting the final green light for us to select. Let’s get on with the job.”

Chairman of the new Bridgwater Constituency Labour Party, Cllr Tim Mander said “The brilliant result in Kingswood indicates with hard work and a united front Labour have every chance of taking the new Bridgwater constituency. The Tories have already showed their hand by abandoning their Bridgwater HQ which they have occupied for over 50 years and fleeing the town. Clearly by their actions they are not confident of holding the seat. Now it’s up to Labour to persuade the electorate to well and truly show them the door!”
Help us get a local voice in Westminster

Leader of the Somerset Council Labour group Cllr Leigh Redman added “I was lucky enough to have been to Kingswood a number of times, speaking to people on the doorstep, the main topics of conversation were around the cost of living crisis and NHS, both issues impacting everyone, after 14 years of this self possessed government it really is time for change. The new Bridgwater & Burnham parliamentary seat really is an opportunity to get a truly local MP working for us in Westminster, when the general election is called, we must work to get a Labour MP for our communities. Lets not wait, the new seat will be won by reaching out to every voter, doorstep to doorstep, conversation by conversation. Join Bridgwater & Burnham Labour to help us get a local voice for us in Westminster.”

Cllr Mick Lerry, Bridgwater Town Council Economy spokesman, said: “I was in Kingswood on Polling Day helping to get the vote out. I also met Joe Jervis who was a local Labour Party member in North Petherton, along with two councillors from Lewisham where, the candidate, Damien Egan is Mayor. When we spoke to voters in Kingswood and they were really enthusiastic about voting Labour, many were young voters who had enough of this Government spoiling their opportunities. The voters wanted their streets to be safer, the local NHS to be fixed and concern about the cost of living and the economy going into recession. Even though it rained heavily from 5-00pm onwards the voters still came out to vote for Labour and change”.
A Win is Achievable
Leigh was joined by other Bridgwater members in Kingswood including local Headteacher Gary Tucker who said ” I am pleased to have personally got involved with the by election in Kingswood, having met some excellent campaigners there. It really showed that if we are prepared to put in the hard work, speak with everyone on doorsteps, then a win is achievable! I look forward to now doing the same thing in Bridgwater and Burnham.”