‘Stop the Coup’ Protests Gather Momentum Across Somerset

‘Stop the Coup’ demonstrators gather around Bridgwater’s famous parliamentarian

This week has seen angry protests across the country against un-elected Tory Prime Minister Boris Johnsons announced intention to prorogue parliament in order to silence opposition and  force through a no deal Brexit. In Bridgwater demonstrators gathered around the statue of arch Parliamentarian Robert Blake who had famously fought a civil war to defend the people’s rights against attempts by the ruling class and their unelected King to shut down the democratic institutions of the people. Other demonstrations took place in Taunton, Weston Super Mare, Bath and Bristol with ‘Stop the Coup’ being the common theme.

People getting angry…

In Bridgwater protestors gathered at the Blake Statue and marched to the Tory Party offices where local Brexit-supporting MP Ian Liddell-Grainger was conspicuous by his absence yet left a message saying he was ‘not happy with the situation’ and even saying that  he would have made every effort to be on the protest if he ‘hadn’t had some top level meetings’.  Mr LG further added that he ‘fully understood why people are marching’ and confessed that he was ‘not happy with what has been sprung on us’.

Direct Attack on our Democracy

Organiser Liam Tucker puts his faith in a ‘People’s Parliament’

Protest organiser Liam Tucker said “This is an unprecedented prorogation of the sovereign parliament and  a direct attack on our democracy. The time is now, these lunatics have been left unchecked and unchallenged, madness has engulfed the country and now it grasps in its claws the mother of all parliaments. Unite and drive it back under the rocks from whence it came.”

Protestors, which included both pro and anti Brexit supporters, positioned themselves on key junctions around the town to take their message to the wider travelling public with an array of banners ranging from ‘Defend Democracy’ to ‘Parliament is Sovereign‘ to ‘Say No to Kim Jong Johnson‘.

Demonstrations are continuing across the country as Parliament re-opens and MPs of all colours prepare to challenge the Tory right wing coup.


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Bernard Grant
Bernard Grant
5 years ago

Excellent, I only wish I was free to join them. “Come on Labour”.
I hope the people of Bridgwater get out and vote Labour at the next election. The only Party that will improve the lives of the Working Class, Sick, Disabled and the poor.

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