Town Council Engages with Public on Eco Issues

Town Councils Climate activists Kathy Pearce and Jacqui Solomon out talking to the public

Bridgwater Town Council spent Friday on the  town’s Cornhill  engaging with members of the public. As it was National Big Green Week, the stall was shared with the Centre For Sustainable Energy and the EcoCentre for Somerset.  Deputy Mayor of Bridgwater Cllr Jacqui Solomon (Labour, Eastover) said “it was a very profitable event for all of us. Glen Burrows, Kathy Pearce and myself were there to answer questions from passers-by on a range of subjects from waste management to cycle paths. The representative from CSE was able to give practical advice on reducing energy consumption and signpost people to further help for example ensuring that the elderly were signed up for priority warning from the National Grid incase of a power cut. The EcoCentre  were talking to people about their goals for a more sustainable Somerset and canvassing opinions on future events and projects. “

Deputy Leader and Climate/Environment PFH Kathy Pearce

Climate Emergency portfolio holder cllr Kathy Pearce (Westover, Labour) added ” It was great to be out about, taking the Council to the people. The Centre for Sustainable Energy was offering practical, free, advice on addressing fuel poverty and the Eco Centre, who were gaining views on potential projects to address the climate crisis. There were lots of ideas to work on, which we will be taking to a new Climate Forum in the near future. Watch this space!”

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