Labour Anger as Sedgemoor Tories vote through 30% increase in Executive allowances

Sedgemoor Councillor Leigh Redman angry at Tory decision to raise their own allowances

At todays meeting of Sedgemoor District Council the ruling Tory group voted to agree a remuneration package for next years councillor allowances that will see Executive council members gain more than 30% increase from £6,717.00 in 2018-19 to a massive £9,136.00 for 2019-20, in a year that saw their staff wages rise by just 2%. Labour members, plus the solitary Lib Dem, voted against this increase while the 2 Kippers supported the Tories

Sedgemoor Labour Group Leader Cllr Mick Lerry (Labour, Victoria) questioned the wisdom of these increases and also raised questions about the adjustments to their Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) which were agreed at the same meeting including making note of £150,000.00 saving due to in-year staff restructuring, which saw senior managers workload increase considerably following some roles being absorbed, noting  that the justification for executive increase allowances was ‘to reflect increased workloads and levels of responsibility’, a point that Labour also asked to be clarified.

Labour votes Against

Cllr Leigh Redman (Labour, Dunwear) said “In these times of austerity, on one hand we make our staff do more for less, while on the other hand senior councillors award themselves massive pay increases. This is not a time for such an increase, if their workload has increased by this much then it should be evidenced. Regardless what the independent remuneration committee suggests, as councillors we can amend the proposal, I voted against this proposal and was supported by my colleagues. Every one of the Tory ruling group that were present voted for the rise!”

Cllr Brian Smedley (Labour, Westover) said “At the start of this item the preamble clearly said the Basic Allowance should be 2% to keep it in line with the staff pay award. The Labour group unanimously took that position. What on earth message does this send to the Councils workers!”

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Bernard Grant
Bernard Grant
6 years ago

We have watched the Tory Government smashing the Welfare State. They have always hated it and they have used the Banking Crisis as an excuse to massively cut it.
The easiest and quickest way was to make cuts of up to 50% and still increasing to County Councils the Cornerstone of the W.S. forcing them to make cuts to Adult, Children and Learning Disabilities, causing misery for millions of people across the Country. The Tory Councillors have made these cuts without a single emotional outburst against their own Party.
I’m not at all surprised that supporters of this Callous Government, having the Gall to give themselves a 30% rise. What I am surprised at is, that there are people who actually vote for people like this into positions of power.

Wendy Miller
Wendy Miller
6 years ago

This says that Tory Councillors have nothing but disdain for their constituents. Shame on you! Please show us you have some compassion for the increasing number of people joining food bank queues.

Tim Knapp
Tim Knapp
6 years ago

Sad thing is those who can least afford it will be paying for it.

6 years ago

Enough said! Same as all politicians – self serving and arrogant but always make out out they are the answer to the problem. All parties are the same.


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