Healthcare Returning to Victoria Park Medical Centre

Cllr Mick Lerry-Chair of Victoria Park Trustees

Getting closer to a return to healthcare at Victoria Park Community Centre. There were several options being looked at by the Clinical Commissioning Group, to decide as to what would be the most appropriate and sustainable healthcare option for the future. The options also looked at a viable return of Primary Care and a GPs service.

Cllr. Mick Lerry, Chair of the Trustees at Victoria Park said: “Along with the Centre Manager and Liz Marsh (Trustee) we have been working with the steering group set up by the CCG, to reach the best solution for the residents of Victoria Ward and people of Bridgwater. At the very beginning we wanted a solution that would offer a wider access to healthcare. The major concern was that the people of West Bridgwater had been placed in a position where there was an inequality of access to medical care. What was important that at a time when Doctors were in short supply, could there be a way forward to provide a sustainable healthcare service. Especially as patients had been transferred to other practices and there was difficulty for some patients to access their new Doctors’ surgery”.

Extended Hours at Weekends

Liz Marsh ‘Exciting opportunity’

“After weeks of discussion at the steering group a hybrid system has evolved, which will include Primary and Secondary Care. This will mean the Primary Care network, involving other GP surgeries will be working with Somerset Foundation Trust. This will mean that residents will have access to maternity care, mental health support, heart disease assessments, district nurses, diabetes advice and direct appointments to a Doctor of Health Specialist. There will also be extended hours on the weekend for patients to receive healthcare from a GP within the network. The Medical Centre will have an open-door policy, whereby people can access health care advice and be signposted to medical support needed. The new Medical Centre will work with the Pharmacy, Community Centre, and the new Nursery”, said Mick.

Meg Boucher “access universal basic needs”

Trustee Liz Marsh said: “This is an exciting opportunity for our community; a medical centre that provides a truly holistic approach. All the services under one roof meeting and enabling anyone with chronic mental health and physical needs without the need for them to constantly be sent elsewhere and having to explain their condition over and over again to each new health professional that they meet. With longer opening hours including over the weekend this facility will be a major bonus to the West Side of Bridgwater where GPs and health facilities have been sadly lacking. It will also be a very welcome addition to the Victoria Park Community Centre which is ideally situated to accommodate all of the services which will be able to work in conjunction with the Centre itself, the Pharmacy and the new Nursery”.

Meg Boucher a key worker in Bridgwater said: “Having a central hub will reduce isolation, deprivation and marginalisation, giving local people the chance to access universal basic needs”.



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