One of our new Yeovil Without Parish Councillors, Joshua Tuck, recently attended a community event on the Wyndham Park estate.The event was set up for residents to mingle with their neighbours, both from Wyndham and Sandlewood close, Romsey road, etc.Residents also had the chance to meet with the teachers who will run the new school and speak to police about important matters in the area.
Josh spoke with many residents and noted their concerns, he will be sending out emails and correspondence to local authorities and Barratts on their behalf to voice their concerns about street lighting, parking, issues with the children having nowhere to play (he will request the MUGA area be mowed so they can at least go there to kick a ball around safely and various other concerns raised.
He also spoke to residents from both sides of the pedestrian access to Sandlewood Close and took onboard views regarding that.
Getting involved on the Frontline

He spoke with Barratts, David Wilson homes and the local police officer for the area. They spoke at length about the drug problem and Josh heard how evictions had been made and the problem was being taken very seriously. Josh commended them on their efforts and pushed for continuous pressure.
Josh will speak with Barratts and the council to ask why lighting isn’t working and who is responsible, as both refused to claim responsibility when asked. This is very important as residents are currently having to park on the pavements and some dark spots are being used by drug dealers.

Josh was also assured that there will remain a local police presence in Yeovil whatever happens and that the police are not being pushed out of town, as some have suggested.
Josh said: ‘the event was very successful, the residents are all lovely people and the estate is very community minded, I will raise the issues brought to me and do my best to solve them’.”