Standing Up for Labour in Minehead

Standing Up for Labour in Minehead

It was nearly stand up for Stand Up for Labour when a comedy night hosted by West Somerset Labour Party at the Hobby Horse hotel in Minehead, proved so popular that they nearly ran out of chairs. Over 120 eager socialists attended the event headlined by seasoned comedian Arthur Smith along  with up and coming comedians Richard James and Eliza Fraser.

The night was part of a national tour called “Stand Up for Labour”, which is travelling around the country helping to raise the profile and funds of Labour branches. Producer, Crispin Flintoff, contacted West Labour Party secretary, Kathrine See, last year to ask if the branch would be interested in hosting the event. “I was really keen” Kathrine says “And determined to make the night work. My main reason was never about raising money but more about proving a point. I truly believe that Labour can be strong and credible in West Somerset.”

Arthur Smith

The crowd were thoroughly entertained. Arthur Smith provided his own brand of dour humour, sharing his hilarious take on Brexit and other of life’s tribulations. The night was expertly compered by Crispin Flintoff who held the whole evening together brilliantly and added in some competitions and prizes for the crowd, including for newest and longest serving members of the Labour party.

Kathrine added “I had hoped the event would draw a large crowd and I certainly wasn’t disappointed. Lots of non-members attended the night and left with membership forms. I hope that people not only had a really good laugh but went away feeling inspired to join up and get involved.”

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clare sawdon-smith
clare sawdon-smith
6 years ago

well done Kathrine.. excellent idea.

Doug Ross
Doug Ross
6 years ago

An excellent evening’s entertainment, with Arthur Smith more than living up to our expectations. Great to see so many people at this Labour event; hope we can have more like this. (Amazed to find that my wife, Elaine, and I were the longest-standing Labour members there, both of us having jpined whne Hugh Gaitskell was leader). Well done to everyone involved in organsing it; especially to our hard-working branch secretary Kethrine See.

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