Taking on the Economics of the Energy Crisis

Under the Tories there’s a rapidly growing cost of living crisis and and energy crisis

As the Conservatives plunge us ever deeper into a crisis over energy Labour set out a 5 point plan to the rescue:

  1. “An energy efficiency revolution to insulate 19 million homes in a decade, cut gas imports by 15% and cut bills by up to £400;

  2. “Double our onshore wind capacity to 30GW by 2030, to power an extra ten million homes;

  3. “Increase offshore wind capacity to at least 75GW by 2035;

  4. “Triple solar power by 2030, back tidal power and further investment in hydrogen;

  5. “End the delay on nuclear power, confirming Sizewell C and backing SMRs.”

Richard Morgan, Labour candidate for Fairfax East says “With the energy price cap increase soon upon us Labour would impose a windfall tax on North Sea oil and gas producers to fund measures to ease the cost of living squeeze, by reducing the average household energy bill by £200. The £6.6bn plan would include removing VAT on domestic energy bills for a whole year, as well as expanding and increasing the warm homes discount for those most at risk.”

Richard Morgan (Fairfax East) with some sound advice about meeting the energy crisis

Hitting Home

If the energy crisis is already hitting home here are some links in the short term that can offer advice, assistance and help:

Worrying about Money?

https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/344d51dd-e568-4685-8da9-17753c12ab19/Final%20Sedgemoor%20Leaflet%20IFAN.pdf – A good place to start for all money worries, including energy bills, and for help accessing various types of support from experienced, helpful people.

Cold Weather Payment:

https://www.gov.uk/cold-weather-payment – YOU SHOULD RECEIVE THIS AUTOMATICALLY IF ELIGIBLE – please do check your bill and see if any payments are due.

Winter Fuel Allowance:

If you were born on or before 26 September 1955 you could get between £100 and £300 to help you pay your heating bills. See here: https://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment. The deadline for you to make a claim for winter 2021 to 2022 is 31 March 2022.

Many energy companies have their own schemes and advice in place to help with bills, check with your supplier.

Richard concludes: “These are dire times we find ourselves in so Vote for Labour on the 5th May. Labour care about the crises we are facing with the cost-of-living, energy resilience and in turn the climate and our environment.”







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