Yeovil Labour Party is stepping up it’s campaign to lead the fight against the Tories in South Somerset as Lib Dems locally and Nationally collapse into disarray.
In December three Lib Dem councillors resigned from Yeovil Town Council and elections will take place on the 16th February. Campaign co-ordinator Steve Finch says “Labour has three amazing candidates, Josh Tuck, Terry Lavin and Martin Bailey, and would really like your support to help them get elected. If you are able to offer an hour or two to help with leafleting please let us know. “
Steve Finch can be contacted directly at finchsteven@fsmail.net
As part of the Labour campaign Labour MP Ben Bradshaw, (Exeter) will be attending a meeting at the Labour Club in Yeovil on January 28th at 7.30pm whilst in February the topic will be ‘The Housing Crisis’, as requested by a number of members. This will be held at the Labour Club in Yeovil on 18th February at 7.30pm.
Continuing the Parties boost in activity reflecting their threefold increase in membership there will be a further high profile meeting in March when they will be hosting a special meeting. On Friday 4th March at 7.00pm. Clare Moody, MEP for the South West and Gibraltar, will be discussing ‘What has the EU ever done for us?’ This meeting will be held at Ilminster Parish Hall, TA19 0DG and is open to all. This will be one of the activities that will form part of the EU Referendum Campaign.
Party opens up to ‘broad engagement and public debate’

Yeovil Labour Party also has a Twitter account (@LabourYeovil) and a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/YeovilLabourParty ) and Steve Finch adds “We hope you will Like and Follow the page. Most importantly, we hope that you will contribute by posting or commenting on posts. Our aim is to ensure that everyone has a chance to express their views and have the opportunity to share ideas. All our events will be posted on the page.The page is public because we believe it is right that we have broad engagement and the opportunity to debate, but posts are moderated by an Admin team to ensure that they are consistent with Labour values; comments are not moderated.”
Growing Labour Representation in South Somerset
There are an increasing number of Labour Councillors in the Yeovil area and this is projected to grow as the Lib Dems collapse. :
Joe Conway and Terry Ledlie for Yeovil Town South Ward
Gail Freeman-Bell for Yeovil Town Preston Ward
Murray Shepstone for East Coker Parish Council
Dan Marks and Sue Pitman for Yeovil Without Parish Council
Officers for Yeovil Labour Party are
Sue Pitman – CLP Secretary yeovillabour@outlook.com
Joe Conway – CLP Chair and Treasurer
Murray Shepstone and Karl Wallace – CLP Vice-Chairs
Steve Finch – Campaign Coordinator
Jenny Miles-Byrd – Publicity Officer
Gail Freeman-Bell – EU Champion
Nicholas Riva – Press Officer