
kerry mcC
Police reply to Labour questions – but concerns remain
Kerry McCarthy MP (Labour) asks questions Avon and Somerset Police have given answers to seven questions...
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badger watching
THE NFU IS WATCHING YOU:Labour demands answers over badger cull police operation
A police report says a representative of the NFU was in the police control room while badgers were being...
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badger lewis
Labour for animal welfare and wildlife
Labour’s Andy Lewis out tonight on badger patrol The latest policy document from Labour makes clear...
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after the cull
After the Badger Cull, Farmers need a solution that is going to last says Chard Councillor
Now the badger culls are over and some of the results and analysis are starting to roll in, Chard Labour...
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Somerset Lib Dem Farming Minister 'Shameful' says Labour Activist
During the early stages of the Coalition the Department of Environment was exclusively run my the Tories,...
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