Every year around the world, millions of people celebrate International Women’s Day – and we at Yeovil Labour are no different. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. International Women’s Day has occurred for well over a century with the first gathering held in 1911, and 110 years on, Yeovil Labour are proud to be leading the way and inviting you to our first ever Online Women’s Day event. We have organised an exciting day full of speakers on a wide range of women’s issues, including the wonderful Rachel Reeves MP who will be speaking to us about her Award Winning Book ‘Women of Westminster – The MPs who Changed Politics‘.
Attendance at the event is of course free, however if you would like to make a donation to this year’s charity of choice, we are raising money for the Yeovil Hospital Breast Cancer Unit Appeal through a Just Giving link here, and rest assured all money donated goes directly to the charity through the JustGiving system. Donations can be made anonymously if you wish, and anything you can afford is very much appreciated.
The event will take place this Saturday 6th March 2021, and you can access the various talks using the same link here throughout the day. If you haven’t used Zoom before, go to www.zoom.us and create a free account, then click on this link throughout the day to enter the event.

The schedule for the day will be as follows, and you are welcome to drop in and out throughout the day as you please:
11am – 11.50pm
Daisy Carter – Young Labour South West Representative
‘Being a prominent young woman in local politics’
12pm – 1pm
Rachel Reeves MP – Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
Rachel will be speaking about her book ‘Women of Westminster: The MPs who Changed Politics’
2pm – 3pm
Karina Parsons – Volunteer Fundraiser – Yeovil Hospital Breast Cancer Unit Appeal
‘What is the YDH Appeal and why is a new Breast Cancer Unit needed?’
3pm – 4pm
Miriam Mirwitch – Jewish Labour Movement – Trade Union Officer
‘Trade Unionism and the fight for Women’s Rights in the workplace’
A lot of work has gone into arranging this event, and these women are all giving up their time for free as the event is a fundraiser for the Yeovil Hospital Appeal, so please come and listen to these wonderful speakers if you can and let’s make this day a success!
Yeovil Labour Women’s Day 2021 is open to all members, not just women, and members from across Somerset are invited to join us for an exciting and memorable day.