Bridgwater Branch Labour Party will be holding a public meeting on Saturday 16th February from 2-4pm at the GWRSA (Railway) Club on Wellington Road, Bridgwater under the title “LET’S TAKE BACK OUR SCHOOLS!” The speaker will be Professor Richard Hatcher from Birmingham City University and Anti-Academies Alliance.
Branch Chair Glen Burrows says “England is the only country in the UK which is handing over schools to unaccountable organisations, often against the wishes of parents, teachers and communities. We are constantly hearing about academy bosses making dodgy money from our children’s education. 81% of us believe in public ownership of our schools. So how do we take them back? Education isn’t something to be bought and sold. Let’s take back our schools.”
For more information contact Bridgwater Labour Party: bridgwaterbranch@gmail.com
Hi Glen
Sorry I can’t be at the meeting, but this is something I feel very strongly about. Very happy to be involved in any future action around this issue.
Pat Gubbins
formerly Finance Manager, West Somerset Community College