Sick of waiting for a GP? Labour PPC for Yeovil Martin Jevon is.

Martin Jevon Yeovil PPC ‘standing up for the NHS’

As a local Labour PPC I spend a great deal of time meeting with local people, listening to their hopes and concerns write Labour PPC for Yeovil Martin Jevon. Something I hear more and more about is the National Health Service.

People tell me it’s getting harder to see the family doctor. David Cameron scrapped Labour’s guarantee of a GP appointment within 48 hours- and now 60 per cent of patients say they can’t see their GP within two days.

Sign Labours petition to guarantee GP access within 48 hours at

Thousands of nurses and frontline staff have been lost from the NHS since David Cameron became Prime Minister and disturbingly, experts say that A&Es don’t have safe staffing levels.

Cameron is responsible for this crisis and Clegg is too weak

Unison NHS
Unison South West activists show what they think Cameron and Clegg have done to the NHS

If you are unfortunate enough to be waiting for a treatment like a cataract removal or knee operation, these are now being rationed.

David Cameron is responsible for this crisis. He has wasted £3 billion on a damaging NHS reorganisation he promised wouldn’t happen. And Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems have been too weak to stand up to David Cameron and have backed the Tories all the way.

Meanwhile cuts to elderly care are sending more elderly people to A&E and making it harder for them to get the care they need at home.

Labour rescued the NHS after years of Tory neglect before and we’ll do it again. We’ll repeal David Cameron’s NHS changes that put private profit before patients so that NHS professionals can focus on your care. And we’ll get started by guaranteeing a GP appointment within 48 hours and on the same day for those who need it. But the General Election isn’t until next year and that’s why I’m organising a campaign now to call on David Cameron to guarantee a GP appointment within 48 hours straight away.

Please take a moment to sign my petition to guarantee GP access within 48 hours

Martin Jevon

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terry ledlie
terry ledlie
10 years ago

I discovered an abnormal mole in January last year, so I went to the doctors only to see a nurse no joy, went back two weeks later really laid it on thick and got seen by a dermatology 5 months later and with in 3 weeks I had a mole removed from my calf and my wife being a nurse said if its cancer you would here with in a week,three weeks later I rang up and was told there had been a delay but I had early stage skin cancer and would require a further op to prevent it coming back. When I asked the skin cancer nurse what would happen if I ignored the abnormal mole she said I would of died in three years. The NHS has gone down hill since he coalition.

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