Today, Sunday 8th March, is International Women’s Day.
Sheena King, newly selected Labour candidate for Yeovil says “I am proud to be a woman, a mother, and a female member of the Labour party. Today I am proud to be one of the female Prospective Parliamentary Candidates of the Labour party, helping to bridge the gender gap in politics. Today we make people aware of female issues and concerns and celebrate women everywhere. It is also a day where we can focus on achieving fairness and equality for women in the UK and across the world.”
I will campaign to make sure child benefit and child tax credits aren’t cut. I want to ensure the police have enough resources to take domestic abuse and rape victims seriously (I know this applies to men and women) and I want to see equal pay and working conditions for women.
• Labour will recruit 3000 more midwives
• The cost of a nursery place has risen by a third under this government. Labour will increase free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds from 15 to 25 hours a week, which will benefit half a million families.
• Labour will introduce a primary childcare guarantee with breakfast clubs and after school activities from 8am-6pm, to enable women to work as equals to men.
• Labour will double paid paternity leave from 2 to 4 weeks, to help support new mums and give new dads more time with their babies, and increase paternity pay by more than £100/week to at least £260/week.
• Under the Tories, we have 40 000 fewer childcare places and 720 fewer Sure Start centres. Labour want to save Sure Start and will create 50 000 more childcare places at the centres.
Hello Wendy,
Many thanks for your comments, and for drawing my attention to this vital petition. Firstly, I am very sorry for your loss and of course you will have my full support. Your husband and yourself (as a nurse) have clearly provided a great service to our community, as have many other police officers, and in my opinion their widows and widowers deserve a police widow pension for life. I have signed the petition on change.org and will encourage my fellow PPCs to do the same. I hope this is of some comfort to you and hope we can help bring about change for the better. Please feel free to contact me again should you need to and I will try my best to help.
All the best Wendy,
Subject: Update on petition — Theresa May MP: Grant Police Widows Pensions for Life – Don’t Make Them Choose Between Future Happiness and Pensions
Dear Sheena King,
would you consider signing EDM 828 please? Should the opportunity arise to discuss our campaign with your colleagues, please stress that we are seeking justice for all police widows/widowers and not just those whose spouses were ‘lost in the line of duty’.
I am a police widow .
My husband died thirteen years ago , leaving me to bring up three children. I live in Yeovil ( 68, Crofton Pk , Yeovil BA21 4EE),& work as a trainednurse at the Yeatman hospital in Sherborne. ( DT9 3JU).
If there is any other way that you think you may be able to support our plight please could you do so ?
I wanted to share with you an exciting update about a petition I signed on Change.org: “Theresa May MP: Grant Police Widows Pensions for Life – Don’t Make Them Choose Between Future Happiness and Pensions”.
Read about the update “Early Day Motion 828 Police Widows’ Pensions” below, and join me in supporting this campaign by signing the petition!
I would appreciate an acknowledgement of my communication with you if possible .
Many thanks in anticipation,
Wendy E Shattock.
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