Yeovil Labour Party new PPC is Sheena King

sheena king
Sheena King. Newly selected Labour PPC for Yeovil

Following the withdrawal through illness of former Yeovil Labour candidate Martin Jevons the party has now selected a new PPC for the General Election.  Sheena King lays out her credentials below;-

“Hello and thank you so much to the Yeovil CLP members for selecting me as your next PPC. My
name is Sheena King and I am the mother of a baby boy, a law graduate and have an 11 year
career history in air traffic control.

I have always considered myself a Socialist and have always been a Labour party supporter. I
have been actively involved with Meon Valley Labour Party in recent years as their Trade Unions
and Young People Representative and have also been a Parish Councillor in Whiteley, Hampshire.
I have stood as a Labour candidate in local elections a number of times in Winchester. I was the
Meon Valley delegate at conference in 2012. I have also undertaken voluntary work, including
nature conservation work and the latest as a Gamesmaker at London 2012 Olympic Games.

‘Tory Values are the opposite of mine’

Sheena King being congratulated at the selection meeting by her agent Murray Shepstone of Yeovil CLP

I joined the Labour party because I spent the first 17 years of my life under a Tory government,
whose values are the opposite of mine. I believe in a society where we look after those that are
the weakest and most vulnerable, and where we promote equality and opportunity for all, not just
the richest in our society. I believe people should be encouraged to work hard, pay their taxes, and
that money should be reinvested to improve our public services. I want to see Britain building
again and more affordable homes being created for our growing population. I am a strong believer
in our NHS, a system of healthcare that is the envy of the world. I want to see university tuition
fees reduced, more funding to improve our state school system and more police on our streets. I
want to see an end to badger culling and better enforcement of the fox hunting ban, on the tenth
anniversary of the Hunting Act. I want to see a realistic, strongly controlled yet tolerant approach to
immigration. I want to support a Labour government in reducing unemployment, making
employers pay decent living wages, and everyone contributing fairly into the income tax system to
help make our economy stronger. I believe in nationalisation, not privatisation, and I believe our
services and infrastructure should be run in the public’s interests and not those of private

Labour Party are the real alternative

The Labour party are the real alternative to the current government. We firmly believe in equality
and social justice and we urge every single Labour party supporter and every disillusioned voter to
seriously consider voting Labour at the next general election. I strongly urge the people of Yeovil
not to vote tactically this time round. By receiving the true support of hard working people, we
have a good chance of substantially increasing our share of the vote here in Yeovil and that will
mean we can make a real difference to improving the quality of everyone’s lives, not just the
wealthiest in society. I personally want to hear about what matters to you. I want to represent you
and support you, in particular all the young people of Yeovil arid all the people who think their vote
does not matter and will not make a difference. I want you to know that every person’s vote
matters and if everyone puts a cross on their ballot paper in May, we really can make a difference.
Thank you.

Sheena King

For further details please contact;
Election agent Murray W Shepstone
01935 864121
Mobile 07727 688182


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Sheena King
9 years ago

Thank you Mick, Andy and all at Wells CLP. Delighted and honoured to be selected as one of the Somerset Labour PPCs. You can follow me on Facebook at: or join our Facebook CLP page Yeovil for Labour here Thank you all for your kind words and support. Let’s go give those Lib Dems and Tories a run for their money!

Mick Lerry
Mick Lerry
9 years ago

Congratulations Sheena and every success in your campaign.

Peter Stevenson
9 years ago

Sheena, can you assure me that the next Labour government will not support new Private Finance Initiatives in the NHS (as they did when they were last in power) and cancel Trident as a massively expensive (£100 billion) and dangerous weapons system of mass destruction that 189 countries in the world feel safe not to own. Shall we spend the money on health, education and housing instead?

Andy Merryfield
9 years ago

Many congratulations Sheena. We at Wells Constituency CLP are delighted by your selection as Parlimentary Candidate for Yeovil and we look forward to working with you in the months ahead

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