Martin Jevon. Yeovil Labours’ parliamentary hopeful has struck out at the Yeovil MP David Laws, following his comments in the National Press that councils ‘should charge for service like bin collections’
He commented ‘with the cost of living crisis ongoing the last thing that the people of South Somerset need is more pressures on their income’
Martin added ‘the bottom line is that people already pay for this service in the monthly council tax bill, we are seeing Davids’ true colours when he proposes this very Tory idea. The Tory Libdem coalition claims that the economy is recovering, but in the real world wages have been squeezed, and food, rents, and utilities continue to rise’.
Martin Jevon was recently selected by the Yeovil Labour Party as there Westminster candidate. Over the next month he will be traveling the constituency listening to residents concerns.
My very own MP David Laws last year was appointed back into the coalition again as Education Minster, following his expenses cheating scandal and then he started rounding on teachers for giving children “depressingly low expectations”. What vile slagging off from someone who was lucky enough to attend a good private school, just like all his Tory Eton chums!
Well I think with four years of a wage freeze and a longer working life together with increased pension contributions and the mess of the English exam marking last summer and of course the massive tuition fees for those who make it to university. I am surprised that anyone would want to teach these days.
Then just to rub salt into the wounds he suggests that we pay again for having out bins collected by the council, just how out of touch is David Laws?
A clear case of vote Lib Dem and get a true blue Tory.