
Glen and Gemma
Education on the Frontline as Labour takes to the Streets
Labour Branch Secretary Gary Tucker at todays protest Bridgwater Labour Party took to the streets today...
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Labour Members Protest at Rail Fare Hike
Labour Party members and Trades Unionists outside Bridgwater Railway Station bright and early Bridgwater...
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gemma and JC
Bridgwater Speakers Impress at Labour Conference
Gemma Shanahan at Labour Confernece As Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party declared war on the ‘greed...
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BW History - hunger marchers
Socialist History Conference Saturday 15th September in Bridgwater
Bridgwater workers on the march in the 1930s A Somerset Socialist History Conference will be held on...
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Bridgwater Branch wishes NHS a Happy 70th Birthday
NHS workers at Bridgwater hospital receives Labours ’70th birthday card’ Bridgwater Branch...
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The Mayor Goes Live!
Mayor and Moore Bridgwater’s dynamic young Labour Mayor, Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, is on line once...
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Unitary Debate Back on the Table
Cllr Brian Smedley calls for engagement with the unitary review to bring power back to the Boroughs On...
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Labour Motion on 'single use plastic free Sedgemoor' passed
Cllr Kathy Pearce, Labour’s environment spokesperson Bridgwater Town Council deputy leader Cllr...
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Young People Shocked by MP's Lack of Understanding
ILG meets some young people Three local young people met with Bridgwater and West Somerset MP Ian Liddell-Grainger...
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Christmas Message from Bridgwater Branch Secretary
Bridgwater Branch secretary Gary Tucker I’d like to take the opportunity to wish all our readers a Happy...
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