
Diogo Rodrigues (web)
Labour Councils 'Boost for Youth'
Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, youth spokesperson for Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council Labour controlled...
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gs AD
Labour Lives:- No 5 GEMMA SHANAHAN
I do not think my latest interviewee, Gemma Shanahan, at just 17, will mind me pointing out that she...
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History Day 2017
Bridgwater History Day sees Full House at Art Centre
A scratchy recording made on a wax cylinder more than a hundred years ago held the audience in the Arts...
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Diogo Rodrigues (web)
Labour Town Council Passes 'Budget for Youth'
Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, youth spokesperson for Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council In this years...
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argos 2
Bridgwater TUC Calls for 'Solidarity Hour' as Argos Strike Steps Up a Gear
Bridgwater Trades Unionists showing solidarity in the town centre The 3 -week strike of 280 Unite members...
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Argos Workers Strike at Bridgwater Depot
Unite the Union on strike at Bridgwater Argos UK catalogue retailer Argos faces three weeks of strikes...
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our jammy mp
Labour Tells MP: Stop Employing Your Wife
Our Jammy MP Labour says theĀ  Bridgwater and West Somerset Conservative MP Ian Liddell-Grainger should...
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ilg and wes
Best Labour Result in decades but Liddell-Grainger clings on
Back to the future in Bridgwater and West Somerset where once again it’s a 2 horse race presenting...
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the few
Bridgwater Labour Party Working Overtime to Keep up with Demand
The ‘Few’ not the ‘many’…in terms of numbes left of the Bridgwater and...
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wes somerset
Tories Reel as Labour surges in Polls
As campaigning re-opened in the General Election after the Manchester Bombing tragedy, the Tories appear...
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