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Ben Bradshaw MP visits Bridgwater
Chelsea Chadwick introduces Ben Bradshaw MP to other Young Labour members in Bridgwater Following on...
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Labour MPs head to Somerset to speak to resurgent youth Movement
Kerry McCarthy MP speaking at Unity House Kerry McCarthy, Labour MP for Bristol East, turned up at the...
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Town sets 'Budget for Youth and Culture'
Town Council Leader Brian Smedley presents a budget for youth and culture Labour controlled Bridgwater...
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Bridgwater Town Council rejects 3 weekly rubbish collection
“Bridgwater is NOT Wiveliscombe” says Town Council leader Brian Smedley At a meeting of Labour...
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dave and diogo leafletting
Bridgwater Labour condemns 'Abject Failure of Tory Economic Policy'
Sedgemoor Labour Leader Mick Lerry “Tory economic policy means tax breaks for the wealthy and austerity...
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Bridgwater History Day is Saturday 12th November
Bridgwater people have always been proud of their town’s history whether it’s the first town to petition...
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Town Council Anger at Plans for Bus Cuts and EDF Traffic Chaos
Cllr Leigh Redman warns of traffic chaos Bridgwater Town Council will meet this Thursday 27th October...
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Government Finally gives Green Light to Hinkley
Sedgemoor Labour Leader Mick Lerry welcome Hinkley announcement The Government has finally given the...
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Tossing a Coin is Simply No Way to Run a Country
Now that the EU referendum is over and the rapidly dwindling UK has voted for the false hope of Brexit,...
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EU Referendum
Labour councillor Kathy Pearce out in labour heartlands making the case for the EU Bridgwater is a strong...
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