
Euro Hustings Triumph as Oliver Comes out as Firm Favourite
Oliver Thornton at the ‘Somerset Loves Europe’ hustings Clear battle lines are now drawn...
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Labour pledges a "housing revolution" with biggest council house building programme for decades
Oliver Thornton, Labour candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset With more than 2,000 people waiting...
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Labour has my vote, says Glastonbury Festival founder Michael Eavis
Farmer Michael Eavis will be voting for Kama On Friday 15 November, Michael Eavis warmly welcomed Kama...
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Introducing Oliver Thornton
Oliver Thornton, Labour Candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset Oliver Thornton is the Labour Party...
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kama mckenzie
Kama McKenzie Selected for Labour in Wells
Kama McKenzie-selected for Wells CLP Passionate youth and family services advocate Kama McKenzie has...
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And Now It's 'Frack-Free Sedgemoor'
Cllr Kathy Pearce at today’s Sedgemoor meeting moving the anti fracking motion It was only a couple...
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Bridgwater Town Council Opposes Fire Service Cuts
Cllr Brian Smedley Leader of Bridgwater Town Council opposing Fire Service cuts Bridgwater Town Councillors...
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'Business As Usual' Will Not Work says Labour as Sedgemoor Transport Investment Strategy Approved
Sedgemoor Labour Leader Cllr Brian Smedley studies the new transport strategy. Under some trees. Sedgemoor...
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They've elected Boris Johnson..That's...'BORIS Johnson'..'Boris'...'JOHNSON'..This has actually happened
Bridgwater Labour reacts to the Boris Johnson Election As the news came through from a small club of...
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Bridgwater Labour 'Stunned and Saddened' by Unexpected Resignation of Leader
Labour leader resigns after fronting election campaign Bridgwater Labour Party has been stunned and saddened...
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