Our Children Deserve Better

Megan with Alice

As the Labour campaign in East Fairfax gets under way, Megan Boucher is in a reflective mood with her daughter Alice. She writes..

Bridgwater High Street is electric with life today. The weather is suitably chilly and as we merrily meander through the myriad of smells and delicious sights, we start to hear Christmas songs flooding from a temporary stage set up to host some of the incredible talent that Bridgwater holds.

Megan sings christmas in on the Cornhill stage

One thing we are most definitely good at in Bridgwater is events: we love a good time, we love to celebrate our heritage and more than anything we love to hold broomsticks and explode gunpowder above our heads (Squibbing; One of the unique wonders of our town!) So, why would the official Christmas Light Switch on be any different? After a triumphantly successful Carnival season, Bridgwater can relax into the festive period with this wonderful event, organised by our very own Labour controlled town council.


I look across at my 3year daughter, Alice. She still hasn’t stopped talking about Carnival and how much she loved the “Pirates on Scrambers Cart” (They were fishermen on Ramblers cart, but she’ll soon learn the clubs by heart!) and now she can enjoy and feel proud of another wonderful event to celebrate in town.
Megan with Labour members out on the campaign trail

Like every parent, I worry. Especially as a single, working class Mum who has struggled to juggle childcare, a career and a sense of purpose in life. I worry that the country we are shaping for our children just isn’t safe enough; physically and financially. I worry about a predicted shortage in teaching staff; as globalisation engulfs us all, will our children fall behind? I worry about a culture of racist and unwelcoming rhetoric being fed down from this Tory government and lose sleep over their disconnect from the lack of financial stability we face every month. I worry about the decline in mental health and the crushing pressure that the NHS faces.

Most of all, I worry that the Climate and ecological crisis we face will be the biggest challenge humanity will have to face.
It’s not easy growing up. But I can’t help feeling our children deserve more.

What we need

County Labour leader Leigh Redman out and about with Megan and Labour helpers

During the party conference in October, Keir Starmer, announced the campaigning commitments ahead of a UK General Election, expected in 2024.

These included changes to planning laws to allow for more house building, and ways the party would tackle the climate crisis. In other speeches from UK shadow ministers pledges were also made to:
• Tackle youth violence through specialist hubs
• Change early years education to improve numeracy and literacy
On mental health, key re-commitments included:
• The roll out of a national network of early support hubs for young people.
• Mental health support in every school
• Increased recruitment of NHS mental health staff.
Labour leaflets hitting the streets of Bower Manor right now

The next generation have conquered unprecedented times in the form of a world wide pandemic and a cost of living.

Our children deserve more.
Our children deserve better.
Our children, our amazing, resilient children deserve a Labour government.
And they deserve local, Labour grassroots councillors who can work cooperatively with other Labour councillors to bring about positive change and consign the draconian reign of the Conservatives to the deepest vaults of history.

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Ian Stevenson
Ian Stevenson
7 months ago

best of luck Megan.

Linda Barnett
Linda Barnett
7 months ago

Good luck with the campaign Megan. Your post is really first class

Eva Bryczkowski
Eva Bryczkowski
7 months ago

Fabulous words and activity.
I wish more people in Glastonbury were as vibrant politically, and less right wing covid denying conspirisists around every corner.

Well done 👏 all of you.

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