Nope we don’t want this one either. Still a Tory. That’s the verdict of Somerset Labour, whose members echoed the call of Leader Keir Starmer in demanding a general election. As Rishi Sunak becomes the second Tory Prime Minister to be ‘crowned’ by his party, rather than elected by the British people anger rose around the country. In Bridgwater Labour Leader Cllr Brian Smedley said “It get’s worse…and this time they daren’t even ask their own Tory party members in case they get it wrong again. But they have…this is Rishi Sunak…the man who actually said ‘ I have friends in all classes , the aristocracy, the upper class, the working class….er, well not the working class.’ And this was the man who during his election campaign told voters in the Tory shires that it was HIM that had started the redistribution of wealth FROM deprived areas to NON deprived areas. And this is a man whose 730-million-pound wealth makes him richer than the King…and it’s the first time THAT has happened. The first time a Monarch has met a Prime Minister richer than themselves….What IS the world coming to!”
Cllr Smedley continued “It’s difficult to pin a nickname to someone but the Tories had a go with ‘Dishi Rishi’ when he was the glamourous rising star in Boris Johnsons glamourous cabinet of all the talents, but now he’s fallen out with the big BJ and has become PM the Daily Mirror has gone for ‘Swishi Rishi’ based no doubt on his impossibly huge stash of wealth, but with all the skeletons in the cupboard now coming to the surface maybe ‘Fishi Rishi’ would be more appropriate.”
Another Austerity Prime Minister

Cllr Mick Lerry,(Victoria, Labour) Bridgwater Town Council’s ‘economic spokesperson’ added – “Well just remember that the new Prime Minister also broke the law when he was Chancellor. He also failed to get any growth into the economy as well. Now that he has inherited a damaged economy with a high cost of living, high inflation, and higher interest rates, will Rishi Sunak now be another Austerity Prime Minister, similar to Cameron? There are still plenty of Tory MPs who are divided in their priorities and support. BREXIT has not provided the dividend that many people believed would happen when Boris lied to them. After 12 years of Tory government there is a massive shortage of skilled labour needed for both the private and public sector. Again, there will be no general election for the people of Britain because the Tories know they will be hammered by the electorate. After weeks of Tory incompetence, the British people will be denied a Labour Government that will put the country on a sound economic footing with the capital investment for a Green economy and prosperity”.
Crown Prince Rishi

Labour’s Deputy Leader, Angela Rayner, said “The Tories have crowned Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister without him saying a single word about how he would run the country and without anyone having the chance to vote. This is the same Rishi Sunak who as Chancellor failed to grow the economy, failed to get a grip on inflation, and failed to help families with the Tory cost of living crisis. And it’s the same Rishi Sunak whose family avoided paying tax in this country before he put up taxes on everyone else. With his record – and after Liz Truss comprehensively beat him over the summer – it’s no wonder he is dodging scrutiny. Rishi Sunak has no mandate and no idea what working people need. We need a general election, so the public get a say on the future of Britain – and the chance for a fresh start with Labour.”
Profound Economic Crisis….Caused by them!!

And as if to prove EVERYONE right, Sunak has now announced his cabinet. Cllr Smedley says “Wishi Washi Rishi has said the Country is in ‘a profound economic crisis’…yes, because HE was part of the Government that caused it…and now he’s promised to ‘unite the country’ ..which Him and his party divided!! Wake up Britain for heaven’s sake!! He’s just botching together the Tory Party faithless from all ends of the party- far right to extreme right in a doomed attempt to save them from oblivion. Who cares that Michael Gove is back to his old job of secretary of state for housing and levelling up?! He was rubbish before! Who even thinks ‘Oooh, I’m so glad that Jeremy Hunt has stayed on as chancellor after what he did to the NHS ‘ and oh look it’s that James Cleverly chap, the one who said he’d be definitely supporting Boris for the top job and then 18 hours later said he’d be definitely supporting Sunak. Men of integrity. That’s who Hit and Missi Rishi’s seeking out, from this limited Tory gene pool. And who’s going ‘oh, thank goodness Dominic Raab’s back’. People are just going..’Dominic Raab’s back??? Aaaarghh!! Who on earth is he going to turn to next to restore a sense of integrity to his Cabinet. He’s hardly going to bring back Suella Braverman, who only resigned a couple of weeks back because of a security breech.What? Oh,he has….”
“In fact Rishi Sunak has brought the same people back who gave us high tax and low growth in the first place. The shooting stars of Boris Johnson’s cabinet of calamity. He talks of mistakes …but they weren’t just made by Liz Truss but by the previous PM and the previous PMs previous chancellor (that’s Fishi Rishi by the way). He gave the country the tax burden, the lack lustre growth and the unnecessary climb in inflation. And it was him who pointed the car towards the edge of the cliff and then handed Liz Truss the wheel…..which she drove straight off it. ‘Integrity, professionalism and accountability’ they say. ‘Unite or die’ they say…go on then, I know which I’d prefer them to do.”
and locally, our Tory Liddell Grainger has outdone all the other switchers… kept silent. At least he can’t be blamed for swinging support! But who would want it, anyway?