On December 18th there will be a by-election for the Burnham and Highbridge Town Council Seat of Highbridge. It’s a 3 cornered fight between Labour, Tory and Lib Dem. Labour members from Bridgwater have been out helping their new Constituency colleagues along with sitting Highbridge Labour councillor Ben Metcalfe. The Labour candidate is Kate Pearce. Here’s a few words from her.
Highbridge Needs Some Love

Highbridge has seen a lot of housing development over recent years, and new houses are still being built. The whole of Burnham-on-Sea and Highbridge needs these homes. The new homes will provide more housing for local people, and also bring more families to the area.
However, all those new homes need services. Where will the children go to school? Which doctors surgery will look after the people? Is the public transport good enough for them to get to work? Are there enough services for young people? And importantly, what is the recreational and cultural offering for them?

Highbridge Town Centre has some brilliant shops and cafes, but it could be even better. We need the Town Centre to look smarter, and to encourage people to use the local businesses.
If I am elected I would work with the other councillors that represent Highbridge to bring a positive vision for the town. That vision should support local people and businesses, but also improve the feel of the town.
An important issue is the level and quality of public transport – lack of facilities at the railway station, no buses serving the station, and a bus service that is too infrequent and does not run in the evenings.
Public Services

I recognise that lots of people in Highbridge have limited financial resources. For me, that means that the council should fund public services, but every pound that the town spends should be effective and responsive to people’s needs.
The people of Highbridge are a vibrant community. There’s huge potential, good, strong energy waiting to be released. But sometimes the character of the town hasn’t had the attention it deserves.
In short: Highbridge needs some Love.