
dc hedges
Pressure Mounts on Tory MPs to Condemn Dominic Cummings
DC Hedges. Where will he appear next?? Calls for the  resignation of Tory PM Boris Johnson’s top...
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brian smedley
Boris's Big Announcement Only Sows More Confusion
Bridgwater Labour Leader Brian Smedley listens to the Government announcement with ‘increased frustration’ Tory...
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Mick Lerry
If we fail to understand History we are likely to make the same mistakes again
Mick Lerry “We need to build an economy that values people more” The Government has not followed...
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Somerset County Council Meetings Going 'Live Online' from Today
County Labour Leader Leigh Redman takes to the ether As the Coronavirus crisis continues, local councils...
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Labour Run Bridgwater Town Council Continues Online
Bridgwater Town Council Exec meeting online Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council is adapted to new...
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man is twat
Labour calls for by-election as former Mayor joins Tories
Diogo Rodrigues -from Labour to Independent to Tory in 9 months flat Bridgwater and Sedgemoor Labour...
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Bridgwater & West Somerset back Starmer & Butler for Labour Leadership
Kier Starmer the Leadership Nomination from Bridgwater and West Somerset Literally queues of members...
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Tories Call 999 as Giant Un-Culled Badger Appears Outside Bridgwater Offices
Labour members show solidarity with Percy the Badger There was something akin to terror at Tory central...
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Bridgwater and West Somerset Labour Campaign Launched at either end of the Constituency
Oliver Thornton with Labour Leader of Bridgwater Town Council Cllr Brian Smedley Labour candidate for...
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ollie and frank
"Which Side Are You On?".... Now it's Really Time to Know
Which side are YOU on? There’s a General Election on December 12th. You probably hadn’t noticed. ...
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