
Labour Anger as Sedgemoor Tories vote through 30% increase in Executive allowances
Sedgemoor Councillor Leigh Redman angry at Tory decision to raise their own allowances At todays meeting...
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Somerset Finally Unveils Libraries Review Amid Labour Criticism
Libraries on the line across Somerset Recommendations for the future of Somerset’s Libraries Service...
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Glen Burrows
Workers Anger at Proposed NHS Charging
Trades Council Secretary Dave Chapple Delegates to Bridgwater Trades Union Council, many of whom are...
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Bridgwater Mayor Commemorates 70th Anniversary of 'Our' NHS
Cllr Diogo Rodrigues, Mayor of Bridgwater, meeting staff at Bridgwater Hosipital Mayor of Bridgwater,...
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NHS 70th Birthday Party Celebrated around the County
NHS birthday celebrations in Bridgwater On 7th July, The Labour Party and Trade Unionists from the South...
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art centre nhs day
Bridgwater Meeting Resolves to Fight to Save Our NHS
Dr El Gingihy on the stage at the Bridgwater Arts Centre with Glen Burrows and Gary Tucker A packed meeting...
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London GP to speak at Bridgwater Meeting on Crisis in NHS
Youssef El-Gingihy at Bridgwater Arts Centre April 28th Bridgwater & District Branch Labour Party...
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sdc labour group
Labour Housing Motion passed by Sedgemoor Council
Sedgemoor Labour Group discusses putting a motion to Sedgemoor District Council The Labour Group on Sedgemoor...
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ken rr
Obituary- Ken Richards, Mick Briscombe, Jean Whitehouse
Ken Richards Three former Labour councillors who served together on the 1999 Sedgemoor District Council...
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Christmas Truce at Sedgemoor as new Chief Exec Backed Unanimously
New SDC Chief Exec Allison Griffin Sedgemoor has a new Chief Executive and it’s Bridgwater born...
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