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Bridgwater Steps Up Campaign to save Bus Depot
‘Save our Depot’ demo With increased media interest in the First Group decision to close...
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Record 7.5million waiting for care, 54,283 across Somerset ICB!
Cllr Leigh Redman NHS waiting lists in England have hit an all time high – more than 7.5 million are...
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terry ledlie
Labour Calls for Local Summit to make NHS Dentists available
Terry Ledlie Yeovil Labour Chairman It’s time to bring stakeholders together to address the crisis in...
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Labour for Taunton Town Council
Out to win in Taunton Brenda Weston and fellow Labour Party members including new recruit Martin Peters...
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tech rec - Copy
Tory Budget - Jam Tomorrow, Hard Cheese Today!
Commenting on this weeks government budget, Terry Ledlie, Chair of Yeovil Constituency Labour Party said:...
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rufty tufty stufty
'Debate not Hate' : Council starts as it means to go on
Leigh Redman with Labour County councillors Kathy Pearce & Hilary Bruce As the final meeting of Somerset...
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Somerset Sets First Unitary Budget
Moor views from Somerset In just over a month’s time Somerset County Council will become just plain Somerset...
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Terry Ledlie
Prime Minister “in hibernation” while NHS workers struggle with low pay
Terry Ledlie  “NHS badly needs a pay rise” Commenting on the biggest NHS strike in history,...
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mp spazzer
Councillor Returns to Labour
Cllr Martin Peters (Taunton Manor -Labour Gain) Taunton Councillor, Martin Peters (not the 1966 England...
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Major Flood Incident Declared on the Somerset Levels
Somerset underwater once more On Wednesday morning the Environment Agency (EA) and the local authorities...
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