
Leigh Welcomes Gravity
At a special meeting of Somerset Council held at Somerset County Cricket ground in Taunton, councillors...
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tory wet
Somerset Election 24-The Battlelines are Drawn
The drip drip drip of Tory failure.. Rishi Sunak, not usually seen as a Tory wet, has thrown the dice...
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evict elbit
Somerset vs Elbit: "The Motion Still Stands"
County Hall targetted by ‘anti-Elbit’ protestors On St Georges Day 2024 Somerset Council...
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pal 9
Palestine Action Statement on Somerset Council's 'Elbit Apology'
Palestine critics of Elbit put their case Elbit lying once again: Somerset Council must evict firm fuelling...
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The Elbit Report - Campaign Against the Arms Trade
Following the recent Somerset Council meeting where a motion was passed to ‘seek grounds to evict...
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Somerset Council Overwhelmingly Votes for Motion seeking to Evict Elbit
Motion proposer and seconder Cllr Brian Smedley & Cllr Shane Collins Somerset Council meeting today...
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Candidates Announced for Police & Crime Commisioner Elections May 2nd
Clare Moody Labour Candidate for PPC On Thursday 2 May, voters in Somerset and the rest of the Avon and...
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Hunt’s Spring Budget -Tories Last Desperate Gamble
Tories giveaway absolutely nothing. Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt set what is likely to be his last ever...
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Unitary Council Pushes Through 'Nightmare' Budget
County Labour Leader Leigh Redman expresses anger at the cuts to jobs and services Lib Dem Controlled...
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som funding
Labour Leader Demands 'Fair Deal for Somerset'
Labour leader Cllr Leigh Redman joins workers at Cuts demo Cllr Leigh Redman, leader of the Labour Group...
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