
jo cox
Labour suspends EU Campaign as Mark of Respect for Murdered MP
Sedgemoor Labour group leader Mick Lerry today called on Party colleagues to temporarily suspend all...
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Bridgwater: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Bridgwater Town Council Labour Leader Brian Smedley talks about the Forums. Bridgwater Town Council is...
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mick in minehead
Bridgwater Town Council Backs Local Labour Agreements and calls for Quality Apprenticeships
Cllr Mick Lerry presents his report on Employment, Skills, Training and calls for more Local Labour Agreements At...
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lab 2
Bridgwater Branch Labour Party AGM
Bridgwater Labour Party, easily the strongest Labour Party Branch in Somerset spawning some 14 Town and...
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po str
"The longer the battle, the sweeter the victory!" Bridgwater Postman Reinstated.
After a two-year “David and Goliath” battle with the country’s second largest employer,...
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sports 1
Hearts Union week action outside 'Sports Direct'
Trades Unionists out in Bridgwater during HEARTS UNIONS week As part of LOVE UNIONS week , Unite Community...
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clare 2
Labour MEP to speak in Bridgwater Feb 9th
On Tuesday 9th February South West England (and Gibraltar) MEP Clare Moody will beĀ  holding a public...
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musgrove 2
Defending Our NHS in Somerset
Junior Doctors taking action in Somerset The National Health Service is on top of news agendas across...
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Former Labour Minister in Bridgwater on 13th
Dr Stephen Ladyman ;- speaking at Trinity Hall on 13th Jan Bridgwater and District Labour Party is holding...
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Labour Town Council goes for Growth in the face of Austerity
Labour Leader Cllr Brian Smedley announces town budget for 2016-17 and launches ‘vision for Bridgwater’ Despite...
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