
kath bri 4
Bridgwater Town Council Election 2022 : Labour Selects
Brian Smedley (Leader ) and Kathy Pearce (Deputy Leader) of Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council Bridgwater...
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irena HB
P & O Sackings 'the Thin End of the Wedge' says Labour Chair
Irena Hubble ‘yet another loophole for the rich thanks to the Tories’ Labour has supported...
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"We Absolutely MUST Have our Nursery!" say Victoria Park Campaigners
“The latest closure to hit Victoria Centre” The news that the Wyvern Nursery at the  Victoria...
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The Unitary Election: Bridgwater Labour Selects its Team
Labour selects it’s front bench for the incoming Unitary battle for Somerset With the new Somerset...
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Unite and NHS campaigners take fight against Health and Care Bill to the Streets of Bridgwater
Labour and Trades Union activists on the Cornhill Bridgwater Unite members have staged a series of actions...
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dockers hall
Dockers Labour Hall Re-Discovered: 'a Sign of the Times'
On location outside the original Bridgwater Dockers Hall The original “Dockers’ Labour Hall”...
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jim 1
Labour Lives: No 6 JIM MUNN
Jim Munn 1957-2021 Just before Christmas 2021 former Labour Councillor Jim Munn died. Jim was councillor...
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Labour party xmas social cancelled
DON'T Join Us at the Labour Party Christmas Social on December 17th (because it's not happening!)
Sorry everybody, but we have had to cancel this event due to rising concerns about covid.  
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hidden ian
Patience Runs Out with Bridgwater MP
Ian Liddell-Grainger, ‘not in hiding’ Former Labour Councillor Ian Tucker has been banging...
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Universal Credit cut will see Christmas impacted for thousands of Somerset residents.
11,855 people in Somerset £220 down by Christmas – the true impact of Universal Credit Cut revealed in...
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