West Somerset

nhs minehead
West Somerset Takes Action on NHS
Labour members start the day at Minehead Hospital In West Somerset Labour member took part in a day of...
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robin nuttall
Watchet Leads On Anti-Fracking
Watchet Labour councillor Robin Nuttall The Frack-Free Movement is taking holding in Somerset and the...
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West Somerset Labour candidates start campaign planning
West Somerset Labour Candidates for the County Elections in 2017. Lewis, Leighton-Boyce, Culverhouse...
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Peter Murphy
Goodbye West Somerset Council - “for the good of the people”
Labour councillor Pete Murphy “Financially, the council is not viable in the short or long term” Councillors...
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blue on bellew
West Somerset Tories - it’s war again!
 The festering row between Tory MP Ian Liddell-Grainger and his fellow party members on West Somerset...
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Turbulent times for Political Parties
 Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn with his loyal front bench team These are turbulent times for the country...
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EU Referendum
Cllr Andy Lewis Minehead ‘I’ll be voting Remain’ As June 23rd approaches, we are faced...
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jo cox
Labour suspends EU Campaign as Mark of Respect for Murdered MP
Sedgemoor Labour group leader Mick Lerry today called on Party colleagues to temporarily suspend all...
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Tory split deepens over forced academies as Somerset joins opposition
” It is wrong to try to force schools into a precarious state of independence as academies”...
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“Make a difference and stop the violence” - Labour backs domestic abuse campaign
“Cuts are removing every lifeline for victims” Keely Lyttle A  campaigner from Watchet in...
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