
'Stop the Coup' Protests Gather Momentum Across Somerset
‘Stop the Coup’ demonstrators gather around Bridgwater’s famous parliamentarian This...
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Town Transport Recommendations Passed
Glen Burrows Bridgwater Town Council PFH for transport Bridgwater Town Council’s Portfolio Holder...
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Sedgemoor Votes to Strongly Oppose Fire Station Closures
All 3 Sedgemoor Parties unite to oppose Fire Station Closures At the July meeting of Sedgemoor District...
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Brian Smedley
Sedgemoor Labour Elects New Leadership Team
Cllr Brian Smedley , Leader of Sedgemoor Labour Group Sedgemoor Labour Group held an emergency meeting...
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John Turner
Labour's John Turner Dies Aged 91
John Turner, a giant of the Labour Movement in Bridgwater For more than 50 years John Turner has been...
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Labour Holds Bridgwater Town Council
Brian Smedley still leads the largest political group at Bridgwater Town Hall Bridgwater has remained...
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Vote LABOUR in Bridgwater
Time to raise the scarlet standard high Please turn out today and vote for your LABOUR candidates. Bridgwater...
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Labour names Candidates for Bridgwater Town Council Elections 2nd May 2019
Brian Smedley and Kathy Pearce, Leader and Deputy Leader of Labour controlled Bridgwater Town Council. Labour...
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Bridgwater Town Council Passes Climate Change Emergency Motion
Bridgwater to play it’s part in tackling climate change Local authorities across the country have...
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Bridgwater Labour Leaders issue reminder “Tories are Real Enemy"
Bridgwater Labour Leaders have united in expressing disappointment at the public departure today  of...
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