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What do we make of this 'Tactical Change' from Extinction Rebellion?
Campaigning councillor Richard Morgan considers the New Years Day XR statement As 2023 dawned, protest...
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Spotlight on.....Cllr Richard Morgan
Councillor in the spotlight Richard Morgan has been a Bridgwater Labour Town Councillor for just 5 months...
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trussed out
And the Next One Please....
Only 2 more Prime Ministers till Christmas….the festive fun continues Nope we don’t want this one...
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bw picket 10102022
Unions Link Picket Lines in Bridgwater
Bridgwater trade union movement history was made this Monday, when a dozen UCU strikers from the Bridgwater...
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Get Conservatism Done
The final Conservative Government in history is now in place. The frighteningly right wing Tory purist...
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The Doctor Can’t See You Now....
12% of people in Somerset Integrated Care System (ICS) who try to make a GP appointment don’t get one,...
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Councillors Talking Trash
Cllr Alexia Bartlett looks into the Council’s rubbish policy Councillors were talking trash at...
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leigh teeth
Somerset kids are having teeth pulled out in hospital as NHS dentistry goes into crisis!
Cllr Leigh Redman draws attention to NHS dental crisis 165 children under 11 in Somerset were admitted...
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Bridgwater Town Council Names its Team
New Town Council Executive sworn in Following the Bridgwater Labour Party’s victory in the Town...
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Desperate Tories Resort to Illegally Fly Posting their Posters
What better symbol of Tory Britain than rows of empty shops and factories…with their posters on In...
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