
Somerset Schools coming out of Lockdown-a risk which need not be taken.
Currently empty schools could open from Monday On June 1st some schools in Somerset will be receiving...
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Labour Concern as Schools in Somerset Plan to Re-open
Mick Lerry  speaking out for teachers and students As parents and carers anxiously wait to hear as to...
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emma 3
Wells Constituency Labour Party condemns Glastonbury 5G 'Anti-Lockdown' Protests
Glastonbury Market Cross protests divide community Glastonbury has been in the news this week following...
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April 28th is International Workers Memorial Day
Every year more people are killed at work than in wars. Most don’t die of mystery ailments, or...
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It's Starmer and Rayner to Lead Labour
Angela Rayner and Kier Starmer are the new Labour Leadership team Following a Low key campaign which...
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Wells CLP Launches 'Save Our Community Services' Campaign
Kama McKenzie, Wells CLP Womens Officer, urging people to join campaign After attending the “Fit...
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Yeovil Nominates Long Bailey and Rayner for Labour Leadership
Rebecca Long Bailey nominated by Yeovil CLP Yeovil Labour CLP recently held a nomination meeting to decide...
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Boris Beats a Hasty Retreat as Somerset Sends Him Packing
The message is clear in Somerset When Boris Johnson turned up in Somerset today, most people assumed...
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Labour Candidate Sets Out his Stall at Bridgwater Carnival
Oliver in the High street Labour candidate for Bridgwater and West Somerset, Oliver Thornton, has been...
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Sean Dromgoole selected by Labour in Somerton and Frome
Sean Dromgoole In the last General Election Labour got more votes in Somerton and Frome than ever before....
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